Key Strategies

Investment Strategy
Prime US REIT is a Singapore REIT established with the principal investment strategy of investing in, directly or indirectly, in stabilised income-producing office assets, and real estate related assets, in the U.S..

Growth Strategies
Prime US REIT's key objectives are to provide Unitholders with regular and stable distributions and to achieve long-term growth in distributions per unit and net asset value per Unit, while maintaining an appropriate capital structure.
The Manager has adopted a three-pronged strategy to achieve Prime US REIT's key objectives.
Proactive asset management and optimisation strategy
The Manager will actively manage Prime US REIT's property portfolio with the objective of achieving growth in Gross Revenue1 and Net Property Income2 and maintaining optimal occupancy levels. The Manager will also look to drive organic growth, encourage strong relationships with the tenants of the Properties and facilitate property enhancement opportunities.
Investments and acquisition growth strategy
The Manager will seek to achieve portfolio growth through the acquisition of quality income-producing properties that align with Prime US REIT's investment strategy to enhance the return to Unitholders and to pursue opportunities for future income and capital growth.Capital management strategy
The Manager will endeavour to employ an appropriate mix of debt and equity in financing acquisitions, and adopt financing policies to optimise risk-adjusted returns to Unitholders.
- "Gross Revenue" refers to Rental Income (which comprises principally rental income received from rental of office space) and other income attributable to the operation of the Properties and a service charge collected to offset the recoverable expenses.
- "Net Property Income" means Gross Revenue less property operating expenses.